1054 Unknown column 'pages_title' in 'field list'
[insert into ezpages (pages_title, page_open_new_window, page_is_ssl, alt_url, alt_url_external, status_header, status_sidebox, status_footer, status_toc, header_sort_order, sidebox_sort_order, footer_sort_order, toc_sort_order, toc_chapter, pages_html_text) values ('', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'Array')]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
The solution is simple, modify .../CUSTOM_ADMIN/ezpages.php file changing:
$sql_data_array = array('pages_title' => $pages_title,
'page_open_new_window' => $page_open_new_window,
'page_is_ssl' => $page_is_ssl,
'alt_url' => $alt_url,
'alt_url_external' => $alt_url_external,
'status_header' => $status_header,
'status_sidebox' => $status_sidebox,
'status_footer' => $status_footer,
'status_toc' => $status_toc,
'header_sort_order' => $pages_header_sort_order,
'sidebox_sort_order' => $pages_sidebox_sort_order,
'footer_sort_order' => $pages_footer_sort_order,
'toc_sort_order' => $pages_toc_sort_order,
'toc_chapter' => $toc_chapter,
'pages_html_text' => $pages_html_text);
$sql_data_array = array('page_open_new_window' => $page_open_new_window,
'page_is_ssl' => $page_is_ssl,
'alt_url' => $alt_url,
'alt_url_external' => $alt_url_external,
'status_header' => $status_header,
'status_sidebox' => $status_sidebox,
'status_footer' => $status_footer,
'status_toc' => $status_toc,
'header_sort_order' => $pages_header_sort_order,
'sidebox_sort_order' => $pages_sidebox_sort_order,
'footer_sort_order' => $pages_footer_sort_order,
'toc_sort_order' => $pages_toc_sort_order,
'toc_chapter' => $toc_chapter);